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It may the surface ripple, but its not the tide

The Bastard Bumper Trick 13

Part 13 Right. OK. So what could I possibly foresee that is going wrong and that is that Simon ‘turns.’ What? Simon ‘turns’ and what pays me back the money he owes me or what… gets a loan? You probably won’t get a penny. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. So ‘turns’ no good. I…

The Bastard Bumper Trick 12

Part 12 What I care about is mental welfare of… Of Simon? Of my brother, who can’t cope with this. You should tell him now, that its all finished and all over. Tell him that. Including the ‘politics.’ Pardon? Including the ‘politics.’ There won’t be any ‘politics’ because I won’t talk to the Wasleys again……

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